

Hi! My name is Rute. I moved to Luxembourg last November (2012) just one month after giving birth to my little baby girl Deb, along with my 3 year old boy. Me and my husband are the happiest parents in the world with our two beautiful kids.

I’m the founder of Giving At Lux Project and I’m also a freelance writer to local media on all things about family and traveling. Since I really wanted to write a lot of useful stuff to other expat parents living in Luxembourg, I realized it would make much more sense to have a specific blog to write for them (YOU!)

It’s my intention to write about everything related to our experience living in Luxembourg as expats, from local info to schools, from supermarkets to restaurants…

Please feel free to e-mail me directly for any additional thoughts or feedback using the following address ExpatMuminLux@gmail.com


Living in Luxembourg


4 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Rute!
    My name is Irene and I have recently relocated from sydney to Lux. I am very disapointed with the short variety of healthy choices compared to the crazy/trendy/obsesion with the health in Australia. I was in Auchan tday, its soooooo big, and I though iwould find coconut flour but there were none. The same with coconut oil, almond butter,stevia, for example. Could you tell me where could I find them or you buy them?
    I also have a food blog called YummyLicious, you can find it on facebook and you will see what I love to cook πŸ™‚

    Thank you sooo much!
    Btw, I am living in Musbach



    • Hi Irene! First of all, Welcome to Luxembourg!!
      I’m sorry to hear about your disappointment, but I’m sure it won’t last long as you’ll find out that you can find almost everything, either here in Lux or in the surrounding countries.
      As for the coconut flour, although Auchan has some limited stock, you can find it there most of the times. Otherwise, you can buy it at Naturata shops. Coconut oil and stevia should be easier at Auchan, they usually have it. If you can’t find it, just ask for help πŸ™‚
      Ans thank you for sharing your blog, I’ll have a look at it :)))
      Take care!


      • Hi Rute and Irene. I’m an Australian living not far from you Irene, I’m in Schuttrange. There’s a naturata very close to you which will have this stuff, but like Rute I found nut oils and stevia in Auchan. One thing I will mention that you have very close is a direct-from-the-farm produce store, called ‘paniers de sandrine’. It’s in a big shed just before the turnoff for Naturata, there’s a wooden sign that shows where to go. Its only open on Tuesday and Friday evenings (3pm-7pm) but it’s all organic and mostly local. She’s doing local meats, fish and eggs now too. It’s good stuff. And there’s a kids play area at the back so you can find your veggies in peace.
        Enjoy !


  2. Hi Bridhit!
    Thanks for your comment πŸ™‚

    as you girls said i went to auschan and i found Chia seeds, coconut oils but not the coconut flour, they were like eeeing? What are you talking about.. LOL
    Never mind, where I am living now in Munsbach I found the bio shop called something like Naturata and yep! Got the coconut flour, 350g 14€… I think zi can find it cheaper online, but happy to know that shop πŸ™‚
    About les paneirs de Sandrine… LOOOOVE it! Love her tomatoes… Adore everything there it really taste real! Thnks and if you wish have a look to my blog in FB: https://www.facebook.com/YummyLici0us?ref=bookmarks
    You will see the tomatoes I am talking about πŸ˜‰


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