Agenda for the Weekend – 29th to 30th August (EN & PT)

(Versão completa em Português mais abaixo)

Hi there! So, my picks for this weekend would definitely include a the so expected Schueberfouer and the Apple Picking in Steinsel.

Here is some additional info:

Schueberfouer (21st August to 9th September). The so expected annual funfair is back! Restaurants open everyday at 12am, while the rides start at 2pm. To know more, please the online article. Also, theSchueberfouer official website provides all info you may need.

Apple Picking (29nd August, from 2pm to 6pm). The (re)start of a family event full of fun and educational activities. Also, a great opportunity to taste some “apple specialities”. For more details on the event, you can read my blog post from last year ( Address: Steinsel (follow the signs “Vergers de Steinsel”). Note: During the coming weeks, more varieties of apples will be available for picking (for now, only “Apache” and “Delbar”), with a big apple party by the end of September (date to be available soon).

Have Fun!!


Para conhecer a agenda completa, visite a página web do seu Contacto.

Apanha das maçãs, em Steinsel

A época da apanha das maçãs está de volta a Steinsel. Este sábado, dia 29 de Agosto, entre as 14h e as 18h, pode dirigir-se aos pomares e iniciar a sua colheta (por enquanto, apenas as variedades “Apache” e “Delbar”). Para mais informações, consulte a página de facebook do evento ( Endereço: Steinsel (siga as indicações “Vergers de Steinsel”).

Animação para crianças em Remich

No sábado, 29 de Agosto, das 15h às 18h, Remich convida mais uma vez todas as famílias para uma tarde com muita animação para crianças.

Para mais informações, visite o site da autarquia. Endereço: place Dr F. Kons, em Remich.

Elegância sobre rodas, em Mondorf-les-Bains

No sábado e no domingo, Mondorf-les-Bains recebe um evento recheado de elegância em redor de carros clássicos. A entrada tem um custo de 13 euros por adulto (gratuita para crianças até aos 12 anos). Para mais informações, consulte a página de internet do evento ( Endereço: Parc Domain Thermal, em Mondorf-les-Bains.

Feira do Cão, na LuxExpo

No sábado e no domingo, a LuxExpo recebe mais uma edição da exposição internacional de cães. Para mais informações, consulte a página de internet do evento ( Endereço: LuxExpo, Circuit de la Foire Internationale, em Kirchberg.

Portas abertas na reserva natural, em Munsbach

No domingo, 30 de Agosto, entre as 9h e as 14h30, crianças e adultos têm a oportunidade de descobrir a reserva natural de Schlammwiss, que inclui a observação de aves que habitam na reserva. É aconselhado o uso de roupa e botas adequadas, bem como de binóculos, se possível. O ponto de encontro será no parque de estacionamento do campo de futebol de Munsbach (rue de Beyren). A participação é gratuita.

Para mais informações e para inscrever-se, contacte Jim Schmitz, através do tel. 621293695, ou pelo e-mail:

Eventos já divulgados em edições anteriores: 

Schueberfouer regressa à Capital

Entre 21 de Agosto e 9 de Setembro, a diversão está garantida no Glacis, com o regresso de mais uma edição da maior feira da Grande Região, a “Schueberfouer”.  Os restaurantes da feira abrem todos os dias às 12h, ao passo que as atracções iniciam às 14h. A entrada na feira é gratuita.

Para conhecer as melhores novidades deste ano aceda ao artigo do CONTACTO e para saber todos os detalhes da feira aceda ao portal internet do evento. Endereço: Glacis, na capital.

Passeios para crianças na capital

Até 13 de Setembro às terças, quintas, sábados e domingos, às 14h30, o Serviço de Turismo da cidade do Luxemburgo (LCTO) oferece uma visita guiada para crianças, para descobrir a história da capital e a lenda de Melusina, de uma forma divertida. A participação custa 10 euros para adultos e 8 euros para crianças.

Para mais informações, consulte o site do evento. Endereço (bilhetes e ponto de partida): Luxembourg City Tourist Office (LCTO), place Guillaume II, na capital.

Palácio Grão-Ducal continua aberto ao público

A época de visitas guiadas ao Palácio Grão-Ducal está de regresso, até 6 de Setembro. A entrada custa 10 euros para adultos e 5 euros para crianças.

Para mais informações, consulte o site do LCTO-Luxembourg City Tourist Office, 30, place Guillaume II.

Actividades de Verão na capital

– O Parque Kinnekswiess (junto ao Glacis) e o Parque Merl recebem muitas propostas lúdicas e gratuitas que convidam toda a família a fazer desporto e actividade física. Por exemplo, o parque Merl tem trampolins à disposição dos mais novos.

– Também o Museu de Arte Moderna Grão-Duque Jean (Mudam) oferece tardes repletas de actividades para crianças entre os 3 e os 12 anos. Mais informações Endereço: Mudam, 3 Park Dräi Eechelen, em Kirchberg.

– O Fórum de Arte Contemporânea-Casino de Luxemburgo oferece um programa completo de actividades em família, com especial destaque para crianças entre os 5 e os 12 anos. Para mais informações: Morada: Casino Luxembourg, 41, rue Notre-Dame, na capital.

– Na Villa Vauban, munido de um livrinho (em francês ou alemão) que é entregue no início da visita para ajudar a explorar os diversos objectos escondidos numa caixa mágica que acompanha o visitante ao longo do passeio, adultos e crianças podem optar por uma visita diferente. A participação para as crianças é gratuita (os pais pagam entrada normal no museu: 5 euros). Para mais informaçõ Endereço: Villa Vauban, 18 avenue Emile Reuter, na capital.

Rute Vendeirinho

Pick of the Week – 4th & 5th October 2014

Pick of the Week_4Out

Here are my Picks of the Week. Enjoy & Have Fun! 🙂

WHAT: Games to play in family
WHY: The Circle Cite in Place d’Armes will be converted into a big open space with traditional social games for the whole family. The entrance is free and the toy’s company “Ludobus” will be there as well with a showcase.
WHERE: Circle Cite, Place d’Armes, Luxembourg city
WHEN: 4th October, from 10am to 5pm


WHAT: Father’s Day in Junglister (“Fête des Pères” / “Pappendag”)
WHY: A big party with a lot of different activities for all ages, including face painting, bouncing castle, ballons and mechanical bull. Entrance is free.
WHERE: Centre Commercial Laangwiss 1, Junglister
WHEN: 4th September, from 3pm to 6pm

Pick of the Week – 27th & 28th Sept 2014

Pick of the Week

Not sure yet how to entertain your family during the next weekend? Here are my Picks of the Week. Enjoy & Have Fun! 🙂

WHAT: History Alive – 1814 
WHY: The Museum Dräi Eechelen invite everyone to a kind of a “making of” about the last days of the Napolean time, as a way to sign the 200 years of the liberation. More than 150 live figures will represent this moment with demonstrations of the military exercises and simulated cannon fire. There will be also some cafeteria services on place. Access to the open space and animations is free. Entrance to the museum will have a reduced cost of €3.
WHERE: 5, Park Dräi Eechelen, L-1499 Luxembourg
WHEN: 27th September (10am to 7pm) and 28th September (10am to 5pm)


WHAT: Apple Picking – Steinsel (“Fête des Pommes”)
WHY: A family event full of fun and educational activities. Also, a great opportunity to taste some “apple specialities”. For more details on the event, you can read my blog post from last year (
WHERE: Vergers de Steinsel
WHEN: 27/28 Sept, 04/05 Oct, 11/12 Oct, 2014 (10am to 6pm)

Pick of the Week – 20 & 21 Sept 2014

Pick of the Week

Not sure yet how to entertain your family during the next weekend? Here are my Picks of the Week. Enjoy & Have Fun! 🙂

WHAT: Luxembourg Portes-Ouvertes
WHY: Unique opportunity to visit the backstage of some very interesting companies in Luxembourg. Some very good examples that will surely be great for your kiddos are: AIR Television (visit the studios in Kirchberg), Red Croix (learn some important tips on first aids at Place d’Arms), Déierenasyl Gaasperech (visit the national animal shelter), Post (see and learn what happens to the letters that we put in those little yellow boxes, at Post warehouse in Bettembourg). Entrance is free. To know more about the activities, you should visit the official webpage ( and access to ‘Participants’.
WHERE: Several companies in Luxembourg (
WHEN: 20th and 21st September


WHAT: Pumpkin Festival – Mersch (“Kürbisfest”)
WHY: In the past, there were pony rides, a giant sand pit, bouncy house, trampoline, pumpkin painting…
Detailed program (not available in english, sorry…)
– Flyer – Front Page (PumpkinFest_Pag1)
– Flyer – Back Page (PumpkinFest_Pag2)
WHERE: Hal Irbicht, Beringen/Mersch
WHEN: 20.09.2014 (17.00-23.00) and 21.09.2014 (10.00-18.00)

Pick of the Week – 13 & 14 Sept 2014

Pick of the Week_Outdoors
Looking to know what’s out there to entertain your family? Well, there are already some nice sources with weekly lists of family events for the weekend ahead (this is my favourite –

So, instead of having all that good work replicated, I thought: “Well, why not picking my favourite events and share it with the readers?”. And that’s what the ‘Pick of the Week’ is about! 🙂

As for the weekend of 13th & 14th September, I’ve chosen the following two:

WHAT: Butschebuerger Buergfest – Medieval Festival – Dudelange
WHY: Nearly 90 vendors and artisans, musicians, acrobats and many more, as this is meant to be the largest medieval festival in the Greater Region. For more information, you should click here.
WHERE: rue de la Chapelle L-3443 Dudelange
WHEN: 13th September, from 11am to 12pm. 14th September, from 10am to 7pm
WHAT: ISL Newcomers Event and Welcome Back Festival
WHY: The International School of Luxembourg (ISL) hosts its traditional Welcome Back Festival this Sunday. This event is open to all community and it is of great help to find out more about ISL and organisations from across the country who might be useful if you live in Luxembourg! The event features fun and entertainment as well as international food and drinks. Entrance is free.
WHERE: International School of Luxembourg, Luxembourg-Merl, 36 Boulevard Pierre Dupong, 1430 Luxembourg , Luxembourg
WHEN: 14th September, from 12am to 3pm.

Family Agenda for the Weekend – 31st May & 1 June

Bees at Beckerich
When: Saturday, 31st May
Where: Biekerecher Millen. 103, Huewelerstrooss, L-8521 Beckerich.
Why: Free guided visits to a ‘house of bees’ at 2pm, 3pm and 4pm. To reserve your place: 23 63 04 74 or e-mail (Filbig Francis)
There will be also a local produce fair and animations. For more information:

Night at the forest
When: 31st May
Where: Esch/Alzette Forest. Centre d’accueil Ellergronn, Esch/Alzette.
Why: A great opportunity for teenagers to learn some survival tecniques, away from technologies! To reserve a place, you should contact Pol Zimmermann or Raphael Fiegen: tel 26 54 42 1 or e-mail

Sheep Weeks at Robbesscheier
When: 31st May to 15th June
Where: Robbesscheier Tourist Center, Clervaux
Why: A package full of fun including: shearing of the sheep, feeding the animals… Or even a donkey ride. Full program at

Concert at the Abbey
When: Sunday, 1st June at 5pm
Where: Neumünster Abbey
Why: The Colour of Song is a promissing show organized by the Voices International group. Children are welcome and will have free entry (up to 8yo). Adults: €16, Students: €12. More information at

Sunday at the Museum
When: Sunday, 1st June, 3pm to 5pm
Where: National Museum of History of Luxembourg City
Why: Parents can visit the museum while the kids are entertained with a mosaic workshop. Free entrance to kids. For reservations: 4796 4900) or e-mail

Speed Cars at Belle Étoile
When: Until 31st May
Where: Belle Étoile Shopping Centre, route d’Arlon, L-8050 Bertrange
Why: If you have a little one who loves cars, you shouldn’t miss this opportunity to show him the real ones. Also, there will be a car race simulator on site (30th and 31st May).

Family Agenda for the Weekend – 23rd & 24th May

Toy Sale at Topaze
When: 24th May (all afternoon)
Where: Topaze Shopping Centre, route de Colmar-Berg, L-7525 Mersch
Why: An opportunity to find a bargain in second-hand toys and other kids stuff. Free entrance.

African Dance and Music
When: 24th May, from 10am to 12am.
Where: CITIM (Centre d’Information Tiers Monde), 55 avenue de la Liberté, Luxemburg-gare
Why: A fun workshop for kids (ages 8+) with music, dance and stories from Africa. Free entrance but place should be reserved by phone (400 427 31) or e-mail

Octave Market
When: All weekend (last days)
Where: Place Guillaume and Place de la Constituition
Why: Last chance to visit this special market, where you can taste a waffle, take a ride at the old merry-go-round or just go for a walk.

Speed Cars at Belle Étoile
When: Until 31st May
Where: Belle Étoile Shopping Centre, route d’Arlon, L-8050 Bertrange
Why: If you have a little one who loves cars, you shouldn’t miss this opportunity to show him the real ones. Also, there will be a car race simulator on site (23rd, 24th, 30th and 31st May).

Street Market (Stroossemaart)
When: 24th May, from 8am
Where: City centre and around the central train station
Why: A different way of strolling through the city centre, with more than 200 sale stands, including food and drinks.

Storytime at Chapter 1
When: 24th May, 10am and 11am
Where: Chapter 1 bookshop
Why: An english speaking event on storytelling for children aged two to five (10am) and six to ten (11am). Refreshments included for parents and children.


Agenda em Português disponível na sua página no Contacto.

Family Agenda for the Weekend – 3rd & 4th May

Party at the Ostrich Farm, Filsdorf
When: Saturday and Sunday, from 11am to 8pm
Why: A lot of fun, including music, animation, local food and the funny animals.
Price: Free
Address: Straussefarm Marcel Wildgen, 9 am Eck, L-5741 Filsdorf.
More information:

Dancing Show, Ettelbruck
When: Several shows during the weekend
Why: A different kind of dancing show using no words. It is called “Danse étoffée sur musique déguisée” and it is meant to be especially for little ones between 4 and 8 years old.
Price: Adults €10, Children €5
Address: Centre des Arts Pluriels d’Ettelbruck, 1 place Marie-Adélaïde, L-9063 Ettelbruck.
Reservations and more info: tel. 268121-304

Sunday at the museum, Luxembourg centre
When: Sunday, 4th May, from 3pm to 5pm
Why: Children can participate in a 3D workshop while the parents visit the museum.
Price: Adults €5, Children free.
Reservations: tel. 4796 4900 or e-mail

Mini-Schueberfouer in Differdange
When: until 11th May
Address: Parking du Contournement, Differdange

Circus in Kirchberg
When: Until 3rd May, several shows
Address: rue Léon Hengen (behind “Le Coque”).
More information:

Pantomine in Luxembourg

Hi there,

Next weekend a traditional British family Pantomime is coming to Luxembourg. From 17th – 19th January, a magical journey to Olde Nottingham Town will take place at the Château de Bettembourg!

The townsfolk are poor and hungry, the scheming Sheriff is dreaming of ways to get richer and the lovely Maid Marian and her brother & sister Jack & Jill are in grave peril! But there’s hope – in the form of the dashing Robin Hood! Yes … IT’S PANTO TIME IN LUXEMBOURG!

Friday 17 January @ 19.30
Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 January @ 14.00 and 17.30
Tickets €20 (€15 kids & students), special rates for groups of 8+
T: (+352) 35 63 39 – E:

Online booking form:


Also, if you’d like to take your chance, there’s an opportunity to win some tickets at Your Living City webage

Event: Night of the Cathedrals


Tomorrow, 11th May, you shouldn’t miss the opportunity to discover the beautiful Cathedral of Luxembourg by night.

Known as one of the sights most worth seeing in the capital city, it is a unique building of the Grand Duchy. This Luxembourg national treasure remain open overnight, allowing you to look inside and experience an exciting night with a mojor programme in the context of the 400th jubilee of the foundation stone laying ceremony of the one-time Jesuit church (concerts, guided tours, lectures and much more). You can see the detailed programm at the following website:

Source of information: